Friday, February 8, 2008

Keep Walking....

Look at me...

How do I look...

I am in my thoughts all the time....

Fighting my way up to the top...

Why am I doing all this... I give a second thought...

My journey so far has brought me name and fame....

But what do I want.... I ask myself all the time

Peace of Mind...

No... or is it Academic success???

No...its not even that... is it the cool times i had....

No... was it being the good looking me....

No it wasnt..... or was I trying to make my parents feel proud...

No it wasnt even this.... or was it changing my looks....

No... its wasnt this either.... was it enjoying the Bday party...

The best part about my life is that I just go on doing things....

Bcz I love the feeling of being at the top...

No matter how much pain it gives me

No matter how alone I feel in this world...

The feeling of being myself is still alive in me...

Thats the reason I am alive... thats the reason I live life for!!!!