Sunday, August 1, 2010

Confidence is the key to Success

Confidence and success go hand in hand… let me first define what is success mantra of my life? As an individual I have access to ample of information from the different sources, when I use this information at the right time and at the right place, it boosts my self confidence and people see me as a knowledgeable person, and when I club this knowledge with some kind of skill Its success for me. Confidence is a booster, an inner feeling which helps you to over come all your fears in life and simply make you live up to that Just do it attitude! Confidence is a perception that you need to develop as time passes by in your life, it’s a belief you carry about yourself, it makes you realise who you are. Because in your own heart you know who you are and what you want to be in life, people with high self confidence dream high in life to live up to their expectations, vice versa is the case with the losers.

Success has its own definition in the eyes of every individual, it’s a subjective term, but Confidence is the key to success. It’s the first step towards where you just try and forget about the consequences. When a small kid rides his first cycle, he gains confidence as he rides small patches of the road, though he looses his balance or even falls but the joy of riding makes him push the limits and go for it. Confidence to me and you is somewhere the same, in today’s life confidence is the fuel for human minds which enables them to chase their dreams and conquer whatever they want. Confidence, again to me is a belief that Never take a step backward not even to gain momentum, with this Die Hard attitude I believe that success will be yours. With a positive attitude you can take criticism in life, turn your failures into success stories, and finally just be yourself.


Anonymous said...

cool yara!

Sarthak Dayama said...

Thanks nishu nice pic btw!