Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lets talk about sex!

Lets talk about sex!
Most of us shy away when we read this topic and rest of us sheepishly laugh over the topic as if there is something really funny about it. If you are looking for some kinky and erotic stuff looking at the title stop reading NOW! 

Because you wont find any of this. That’s the reason why we are still a developing nation with bunch of people who know every thing in the country yet cant change the world. We are so immature in our thought process. I can hardly recollect any thing about sex education during my teenage period. We used to shy away look at girls and smile as if some joke was being said in the class. It is difficult to teach this subject in the classroom specially when you don’t have the support of the students and their parents. Some parents feel it is the most necessary thing a student would learn in a school because most of the parents themselves shy away discussing in open such topics with their child.

We take so much pride to say we are in the 21st century, we don’t find it cool to wear a dhoti and kurta these days any more! We feel is no uncool! But when it comes to talking about sex! Look at the way we react, when something is being shown on the News about a sex racket being busted or about AIDS or simply about an Adv of a condom or Contraceptive pills we do nothing but change the channel immediately. That’s what we do we simply shy away from reality.

We accept the fact that we know everything but still we don’t miss a chance to read about the sex column in Mumbai Mirror and Mid day regularly. We don’t discuss about it with friends don’t warn them about the complications involved with Premature sex and problems of unsafe sex! It just because we never got that kind of education neither from our parents nor by our system!

The system is to be blamed on the larger perspective! When the Balbir Pasha campaign was a hit it was seen more as a humour among everyone! Still can we call it a success? What about introducing sex education to schools – dirty politics was being played by bunch of illiterate politicians who never saw the face of a school in their childhood but are proud owners of several medical and engineering colleges in the state!  

NOW it’s the time we take some action against all this, the youth of India is growing in big numbers in few years we will have a population half of youth – are we looking at the country with half of its population suffering from AIDS or problems of unprotected sex or STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Its high time we think about the next generation to come in. When we get married we either be prepared to speak confidently with our partners about these things and ensure that our kids are taught of the basic hormonal changes they will undergo in their teens!

We as the youth have to take a pledge to stand up and speak up and ensure that people are aware of this fact that sex education is most important aspect in a teenagers life and cannot be ignored just because we are not confident to speak about it.

I welcome you all to post your comments and discuss how we can take this forward from where we are standing today!   

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