Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cuddling the Silent Death

Like a silent arrow
It hits me deep within,
As the blood splashes out,
I close my eyes in despair.

The pain still exists
It rotten my soul
Like a deadly poison

As tears roll down my eyes,
I calmly sneak in a corner
To wipe them off,
I see my reflection,
On the blood splashed below.

Trying to stand on my feet,
I tremble in the darkness,
I fight with my will power,
But its too late...

As the hands of the clock meet.
My time has arrived,
I kiss goodbye to life
And embrace death as it comes..


Amruta Deshmukh said...

oh shit shit shit shit is this written by 'the sarthak'.. :O

Sarthak Dayama said...

I'll take dat as a compliment...yeah i wrote dis few years ago made a little changes to dis! I had even posted this in one of my previous blog!