Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love, Attitude and Happiness lead to Self Awareness

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement. As per your votes on Facebook Questions - here is a story based on your highest votes for Non fiction Life Lessons, since the second highest votes were for a Romantic Story I thought blending some emotions of Love would help in not disappointing those of you who voted for it. This small story will do an interaction with your sub consciousness mind, as you read it answer the questions to yourself which I have addressed to you.

When there is Love, all the attitude changes. There is a big difference in attitude, have you noticed this? Suppose you have a very nice crockery set in your home and if your son or daughter or sibling, somebody very dear to you breaks it, what do you say? 'Oh, never mind, doesn't matter'. But if your servant breaks or somebody whom you dislike breaks it; See, how your attitude varies towards the same thing that has happened. Or your nice new carpet, somebody has spilt tea in it. So if you have done it or somebody very dear has done it, you say ' Oh, it doesn't matter. Ok, anyway happened'. You murmur a little, grumble a little and then stop. But if somebody else has done it your whole attitude towards them is different, isn't it? So when there is love, you are ready to undergo or undertake any strain or discomfort or problem, they don't appear to be very big. Then, tolerance comes in you naturally. If you are determined, your love for something, makes you do anything for what you want.

If you love sight seeing, then you don't mind any discomfort, you go around sight seeing anywhere. If you love adventure, you go for it. Same way, if you love money very much, then you put your whole life earning money. You get ulcers, blood pressure, diabetes and getting all that, in spite of it, you work, work, work and work. What for? Just to have Money!!!

But happiness is something that which expands. Whatever is constricting is not happiness. When you are happy, have you noticed how you feel? the mind expands. Examples of which I have quoted in my previous post love is in the air. At the same time when you are unhappy, what happens? The mind shrinks. So whenever you think "Mine, Mine" - the mind is shrinking. 'My son. my daughter, my boyfriend, my girlfriend, my car, my bike, my room, my laptop, my this my that! - the mind shrinks. Whenever mind shrinks, it is bound to bring unhappiness. And when mind expands it brings joy!

When you go beyond happiness, what happens? The mind expands at the same time is not unconscious. Usually, when you are happy, you become spaced out, you are not focused. When you are unhappy, you are very focused. But there is a beautiful combination of both - you are happy, at the same time alert and focused, that is called Self Awareness. 


Palak said...

sum thing very different 4m ur usual writin... but as usual dis is also awazing... :)

Anonymous said...

don knw y bt looks little incomplete towards d end..i cudnt connect between love n self awareness..the top para's r fab..jst a feedback

Sarthak Dayama said...

Dear reader thanks for your time and patience and for sharing your feedback.

Well I dint stressed too much on the last para, Self Awareness is a state of mind which is achieved by the of two - happy mind and focused mind. When I say, in Love you become spaced out you are not focused; For instance you fall in Love with this guy/girl and in the initial few days whatever your partner tells you you agree to it... never question never get angry nor fight. That's what is called not focused when in Love. Or buying brand new expensive gifts for your loved ones without thinking twice...

While when your state of mind is unhappy - you always crib - you pay attention to smallest of details. Thus the two state of minds are very necessary and together they create a beautiful combination of Self Awareness. A person who is self aware of his thoughts can be a master of his actions.

Unknown said...

after reading your blog, it leaves me with a question..
do we forget our anger because its a loved one's mistake or we just dont convey it to the person????

Sarthak Dayama said...

Well Girish first let me thank you for reading and commenting.

Anger does not come by itself -
Behind the anger, if you examine there is a desire. Infact, all the actions are propelled by love, even if you get angry, behind that anger is love.

When you hold the anger in your mind and not convey to your partner it becomes a grudge... all this while you might end up thinking about your ownself "My life, My problems, My, My etc"

If you can learn how to ignore things and not worry about them... you might just learn the art of living!!!