Monday, August 29, 2011

The Walk We Had

The glimpse my eyes caught of you,
That evening was certainly special.
The moon was charming in full size,
The clouds were stirring up the sky.

Your fragrance spiced up the night
The moon shined up throwing its light
And I followed your shadow
Together we kept walking for times

The zapping cars made the night so special
Every time a car passed by you
The hairs curled up your face
Making it irresistible for me to take my eyes off you

That stretch we walked near the lake
is still afresh in my mind
who knew that  small walk of ours
would bring the hearts this closer

There seemed to be a magic in the air
when you held my hands in your hands
Seemed like the cupid hit my heart
As I saw you blushing all the time

As the sun dips down in the ocean
I wait for the moon to shine up the skies
Whenever I look up the sky
I can remember our walk
And your face lights up in front of me....


Palak said...

amazin man... loved dis poem... :) :)
gr8 writin... after long got to read sum romantic stuff on ur blog ;)

Nirav Hingu said...

Extremely heart touching words ..