Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chapter 1 Story of a guy - Falling in love

It is said that being in love is the most amazing feeling. Being in love makes you smile endlessly - the world looks an amazing place and the joy can be seen right on your face. The only difference here is that you are in love with the most amazing person in the world - who seems to be way too special to you, So special that the you feel inferior to the person leaving aside all your egos and self esteem.

The person who once thought of being egoistic now keeps telling himself that he is nothing without his partner. Now feels like a 4 year old, keeps smiling like a baby and goes out of the way to do anything for his partner. The one who never paid attention to conversations now leaves aside all his work just to hear her speak. Who smiles and feels great just to hear the excitement in her voice. Who feels her presence even when shes not around - her voice makes him sooth away all his despair feelings. He is now so dependent on her - for small small things of his life he is dependent on her decisions. He wants to be so much special for her - that he keeps asking himself - Am I the right person for her? These kind of thoughts paralyzes him makes him little insecure when she mentions about her other special friends.

The feeling of being with her - makes him feel so special - that he forgets everything in the world. He leaves aside all his work just to spend few seconds with her. He might end up travelling from corners of the world shelling out every penny in his pockets - just to see that smile on her face.He is still unaware of her thoughts for him but he doesn't cares for him - it doesn't matters - all that matters is that sweet smile on her face for him. For once when he used to feel jealous of the guys who hit on her and are now with her as friends - she values their friendship despite knowing that the fact that they committed a mistake. His respect for her grows multi-fold and he sees himself fall in love day in day out. He spends the rest of his night glued to his cell phone to hear her sweet voice in his ears which eventually echoes in his mind and heart 24/7 he finds it so difficult to sleep at nights because of all the thoughts keep pouring his mind. As time passes on - he finds himself checking out her pics, finding new ways to tell her that how special she is for him - to bridge the gap of friendship to a relationship - a relationship which is way to special than anything in the world for him.

And one day he finally finds some courage to share his feelings with her - how he feels way to special for her and wants to spend the rest of his life time with her. Not considering anything about his past and nothing about the future but just the present state of affairs - his sub conscious warns him though about the consequences he might land up himself but he doesn't fears anything and goes out and tells her whatever he has in mind. She takes time to understands - but doest reacts the way he expected. Though he is disappointed a little but doest reacts strongly - he sees a light of optimism in her response. The confusion she has been resting over the days - she becomes way too normal with him but he is still unable to gauge the situation. He soon becomes impatient and goes out of the way to woo her. He shows her the concern he has for her, he shows her that he wants to spent more and more time with her. She runs his mind 24/7 even in his dreams - when he is working - he finds it difficult to focus - this is the power of love! Life which was like piece of cake for him couple of days ago now seems way to difficult and complicated with no ray of hope for him.

He counts on his actions - he becomes way too cautious of his actions for her. He doest wants to look too caring at the same time wants to ensure that she is safe and sound. He wants to ensure that she keeps her self fit and fine but he cant go out of his way to extend her his help. He knows she has a huge friends circle - he cant mingle with her friends - to bring into the notice of everyone that there is something cooking up between the two. He feels like messaging her most of the time - just to know what is she upto or does she misses him the way he does her. He doesn't wants too look like a Chipku. He gets excited when she spends some quality time with him listening to his words and his stories. His expectations for her drops - he expects nothing from her but just a little time from her - just the feeling for him in her thoughts. He just wants her to know that he misses her alot. He wants to dedicate few romantic songs to her and wishes they could simply listen to those beautiful songs which suddenly mean a lot to him. Her response his not so great for this. Instead he decided to text her the lyrics of all these beautiful songs - she doest even reads them and thinks its just a forward and keeps her cell aside. Poor guy doesn't even knows how to react.- he is not bothered with this behavior of hers  - for the one you love you are so blind in their charisma - that you simply ignore those negativity about them to shower them with your love.

But the coming few days will not be so easy for him - as he sneaks in a corner of the dark room to wipe his continuous tears from his eyes. He feels so empty - so shallow about his feelings - the tears which were rolling down his eyes were now dried out. That shitty feeling within him rests for long - he wants to cry out loud but simply cant - instead he just stars thinking what went wrong! He figures out that how anxious he got to spend some time with her to top the list of her priorities. But he forgot to understand its been just few months he knows her and there is great deal of things he needs to know about this girl he is blindly in love with. He analyses that he got way too involved with her thoughts running in his mind. Right from day one he has been thinking about how to win her heart and how to make her feel special and be with her.

His heart is broken but he knows that broken hearts can be mended. He is pretty confident that one days she might just realise that he is really serious for her feelings and desires. He wants to fulfil her every dream and desires. But also be a watchdog in her life without interfering too much in her life.

He knows the key to happiness is not expecting too much from her but still he fails to understand that the love he is been looking for might not be available with her. He is still persistent on his emotional drive. He wants to give her time to figure out if she misses him in the coming few days - to an extent that they might like to spend time together. For this he ensures that he doesn't bother hers at all with any kind of communication directly between them, He knows its going to be difficult since the time he hanged up on her he has written few messages to her and saved them in his drafts .

Its like a quest for him and he doest knows how to react - he starts to stammer and chuckles during the conversation with her.. She is a great person at heart and he is still willing to go out of his way any day for the love of his life he is now just waiting for the right time.

All he knows that she is way to special for him and he loves her alot and would do anything to see her happy!


Unknown said...

hey nice story want to know the further part of your story eagerly waiting 4 d next post............

Ronak said...

hay Gr8 Story Brother ....

Pran said...
