Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chapter 2 Story of a guy - Falling in Love

Its been a difficult time for him. He is just getting soaked in the feeling of being away from her. A cold fear of loneliness has grabbed him. The life seems so dull to him and he is completely unaware of her actions. He browses the Internet to see her profile all night thereafter just looking at her picture running his hands on the computer screen right at her face as if touching her cheeks just to tell her how much he cares for her. 

Its been not even a day and he is going nuts - Life seems so tough today for him. So uncertain, so empty and feeling of being lonely suddenly grabbed his mind. He scans through his cell phone number of times just to see if she called... every time the text message buzzes he gets excited to see if its her... but all in vain. Rest of the world is with him people who dint spoke to him over the years called him today - but still he is so depressed. How the day passed by he wonders - it felt as if he was just sitting in one corner of his room and the sun raised and settled. How the evening lights got turned on. He went out in evening to meet some old buddies even in their presence - there was a thought he kept feeling that - yeah there is something missing... terribly missing. He saw her online on the social network site. She was even online on chat - but because of his commitment to her of not to approach her till a week made resisted him to even say a HI. She kept playing some of the online games - he even helped her gain some extra points. It seemed to him as if he was doing his duties but never felt like ignoring her completely. The thought of ignoring her is devastating for him. 

 In the evening he wandered the streets of the city to see people around him - in less than 24 hours life has changed so much for him. Few days ago he had this feeling that the world belongs to me and I belong to the world and today he wonders if he is even a part of this world? His smile had disappeared somewhere, he wasn't feeling hungry at all - starving though but the food wont go in. His friends and parents wondered whats wrong with him! But what would he say about this new untold stories that happened in a fraction of a seconds in his life. He just left home late in the night to wander on the streets of the dark and cold road where only the street lights dwelling. He walks across the streets and then sits on the pavement reaching out to his pocket he removes his cell phone in the cold breezy night. He browses in the music player and plays the most played songs play list. Popping in the ear phones he gives out a sigh. As the music of guitar strings from his favorite song "Coming Back to life" of Pink Floyd hits his ears the sigh he gave out in the cold night looks like a steam from his mouth. He stares at the glimpse of the night lamps on the streets and the dark patches of the road in between them. 

In between the song his cell phones buzzes twice for a message, the first time he gets anxious when the message box opens up - could it be her? he asks himself - but he gets his answer. Its not her its a random forward by a friend about friendship. In the transition of the music he gets lost looking at the night fall by - forgetting that he is outside his home - he lies down on the pavement looking straight up in the sky, glancing his eyes on the deceptive clouds in the light of the moon. He is deep down in his thoughts wonders whether these clouds are like thoughts too - cause thoughts never stay at one place they keep flowing. That's when the second message buzzed. It was again a good night forward message. He looks at his wrist watch - both the hands of the watch meet each other - it was midnight. He decided to walk back home. As he walked the streets he saw his own shadow preceding with every step he took towards his destination. It struck him - may be this is life, you appear big and strong for a moment and then you fade away and rise again when the light of the divine falls on you. 

 After reaching home this poor guy had no control left over him - unable to decide what to do... he just lies down on the bed with earphones still in his ears. From the bed he looks at the ceiling and sometimes at his cell phone. Thinking what to do he scans his phone book and wonders whom to call - as he stops by her name. He becomes numb. He pops out the ear phones and cuddle the silence of the room. Wondering whatever he did was right or wrong should he had accepted the situation and moved on - was it the need of the hour for him to give her an opportunity to know him better - live without him for a while and wonder whether she really needs him or not? 
Leaving aside all these negativity - he remembers her - misses the most beautiful thing about her - the synergy of positivity he gets from her - something that is more or less has a divine nature. Something that soaks him into her eyes every time he looks at them. The thought of being with her again and this time till eternity brings him back to life. And remembering her he drifts off to sleep. Hoping that the new day will bring in some ray of hope for him. 


Unknown said...

gud work.... really u r a good writer.. waiting 4 d next part gud luck....

Unknown said...

Dude u r looking good with ur stories like ur putting ur feelings to ur book... I rember those days wen u use to writte a poem.. And here is the day u r writing book so don't leave this story in half complete it I am there with u... I will looking forward for ur next part...

Palak said...

lookin forward to see ur book gettin printed... awesome story... keep writin...
im der wid u :)