Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shes a Weirdo Part 1

It was the month of October when Siddharth met Roxane for the first time in the college library. They had been in the same college over few months but never encountered each other. Siddharth had enrolled for Bachelor in Business Administration while Roxane had enrolled for Bachelor in Bio Tech. Weird combination of subjects of the two. Siddharth was a fun loving guy, stayed in college hostel while Roxane stayed in a rented flat around with couple of other girls from her class. Sid was not a bright student but people always thought he was very studious he tried his best to stay updated with the management lessons taught in the classroom but post lunch he used to spend time in college library. One of the very reason he preferred being in the library was because of the 18 air conditioners in the library that made it the most chilled out zone in the entire campus. He was browsing some romantic books in the art section which was adjacent to the Bio Section. The browsing section of the library looked more like a shopping centre aisle, with 6 feet of cabinets of books on the either side it looked pretty scary - at least to Sid! 

He was taking a right turn that's when he felt something weird incoming, someone was walking with at least 10-12 books and that too all piled up one over the other. He couldn't even see who was it, before he could realise that person bumped into him and lost all the balance and books fell down in a fraction of a second. "Oh Fuck!" came a voice - the voice was sweet and an amazing accent! He saw a girl in red top with a mickey mouse print and dark blue jeans, hair tied up in a pony style. "here let me help you!" said Sid as he bent down to pick up some books. Looking at the books he read the tittle " Biotechnology : Applying the genetic revolution", he scrolled the last page of the book to read the page no. it was 758. "Do you spend your nights also in the library?" asked Sid to the girl who was too busy picking up the books. "Excuse Me!" she said for the first time looking in his eyes, of all the girls Sid had seen in the college she was different. But what was the difference he couldn't recognize that time. "I mean look at all these books, I guess the one I picked up is the smallest among all you are carrying! Do you read them all? I don't think you can issue all of them for home" said Sid defending himself at the same trying not to look rude to the girl. 

Sid never spoke to people much in the library - on the contrary he followed the rules of the library - to maintain Silence. The librarian was the biggest example of rules breaker - she would spend most of her time chit chatting on the phone extension. Her voice would echo most of the times. While Library was the best Kuchi Ku spot of the college, all the couples would hit library post lectures. Which could be a better place to hang out? Where you don't have to spend for the Air Conditioner, pay for expensive coffees, or fiddle with chairs to sit closer. Sid would spend time observing the couples and how they did the Chance Pe Dance under the table. He used to feel amused with these actions of his fellow students and used to term them Despos! He would help students who were new to the reading culture, he loved reading but restricted himself to the self learning books and romantic stories. It was a night mare for him to read Philip Kotler and Stephen Robbins books. 

"Well, I am from Bio tech, and we have to be well informed about the latest Genetic revolutions and how does the world is changing fast and the applications of modern sciences in class room - there are marks for classroom participation you know na?" Said the fair skinned Roxane. "hmm, I know that but I barely understood anything you said about Bio tech." said Sid smiling trying to hide his lack of subject knowledge. "Here hand over few books to me, let me help you so that you don't bump into someone else again" said Sid trying to show some concern and help. "Hmm if you insist, here hold these heavy ones for me" by saying this Roxane handed over some 5 real heavy books to Sid. Sid felt as if he was back to school, carrying the load of workbooks, class books, homework books and textbooks in his school bag these books were of the similar load. Reaching to the corner of the library he kept the books on the table. And just landed on the seat next to Roxane. "God! those are really heavy ones! My god how can you read such heavy books!" said Sid showing some disgust and exhaust. "Well I guess you must be a Commerce Student for sure - since you guys never carried books to college, we Science students always used to spend quality time studying" Roxane said with a straight face - which sounded very mean and outrageous to him. "Hello! What do you mean by Quality time studying - I secured a good 74 percent in my HSC hai Dude! Life mein bahot kuch karna padta hai' she just gave this answer. 

Before he could answer the librarian came there - which was pretty weird since she never left her seat. "You two are talking so much - don't you get it its a Library" she said in a stern voice which looked very new to Sid as all the time she sounded like a comedian laughing on her desk. "Well mam we are discussing Science and Commerce" said Sid trying to justify himself. "I know you are Management Student and Shes a Bio tech... all the Bio tech girls do here is flirt in the Library. I know what you guys are up to" said Ms Dave, who looked very stupid in her dress that day which was a White Kurti with blue and black designs and Orange legging  and flower garland in her hair. That garland was the cause they never required Room Freshener in the library. 
"Excuse me, how can you say I am flirting with him! If that's the case I will go and sit somewhere else" said Roxane in disgust and piled up all the books and left to the other extreme corner of the library. 

Sid and Ms Dave kept looking at each other while Roxane left the seat. "Thank you mam" said Sid to himself thank you for screwing my only chance to interact with a good looking female in the college. Thanks to you I dint even got the opportunity to introduce myself. He kept looking at her for a while then browsed the book he got for himself to read. He kept the book back in the cabinet and made a move out crossing her table just to see if she notices. But all in vain she was so engrossed in reading the stuff. 

He walked outside college to the near by Katta adjacent to the college to have a Cutting Chai and Sutta. There he met one of his classmate. "Hey Dude, What you doing so late in the evening - dint you went home? asked Sid to his classmate Vivek. Vivek was a wanna be of his class he dressed according to the styles in the fashion and wooed the females of the college on his Rx 100 bike which made an irritating noise whenever he would race around the college. "Nothing re dude, I was out with Divya, you know her right? The hot chic from Bio tech - Man I wish we had some sort of these girls in Management!" said Vivek trying to look cool by declaring he was out on a date. "So where did you guys go?" asked Sid lighting his ciggy. "It was a long drive man, we eloped from the canteen bunked the lecture - its a big deal for these Bio chics to bunk the lecture you know! We went to that near by mall, had some lunch at Noodle Bar - Fuck that place is shit expensive! No wonder why she was so happy!" said Vivek trying to show that he isn't making up his own story. "Hmm good for you man! Yeah Indeed these Bio chics are weirdo" sipping his Cutting Chai said Sid. 

Finishing his golden puff - the last puff of the ciggy  he thought about Roxane 'there was something in her that was cool but at the same time weird - she looks cute, shes fair, her hair were silky, she had a cute looking smile - but hang on when did she smiled??? A question popped in his head - Well it would look good to see her smiling. She is one of those scholar types nerds but she definitely doesn't looks like one! I wish we bump once again tomorrow in the library. At least this time I will ask her name... but what if she doesn't comes!!! Yaar - why am I thinking about her - She doesn't even seems my type of girl - Shes a Weirdo! 


prince barve said...

hmm nice
she is reaaly wierdo what is next i am waiting second part of this story

Palak said...

awesome story waitin 4 d next part... plz release it soon... dont make me wait 4 so long... waitin waitin waitin... :) :)

Anonymous said...

wowoo i didnt knew ur a writter as well....i lovveee reading...d story is realy intersting...great job....:)

Sarthak Dayama said...

Thanks guys! The part two is on its way... look for this space 2moro... besides the secret admirer thank you - would highly appreciate if you could reveal your identity.
