Monday, August 2, 2010

Dreams are fuel for Human Minds!

Someone once told me that I dream alot. Yes! I am a day dreamer and some people say that Day Dreamers never achieve. The fact of the matter is that all men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recess of their minds, wake up to find it was all vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous, for they may act with open eyes and make things happen!

There are few things which have changed my entire way of looking at things, my perception has been newly defined to find new and varied interesting but weird ways to adopt myself in my new lifestyle.

As each day passes by, I discover the new me in my own true self. The small and little things make me wonder that how beautiful life is and how each creature lives up to his dreams and prays to overcome and conquer it.

The dream within is a source of happiness, a perception that keeps us alive, brings harmony to our lives, brings positive energy, an emotion that keeps us binded towards our goal and a belief that someday it will happen and our dream will come true.

A dream is a source of inspiration, a source of vision, the higher you dream, the more restless you are to chase your dreams, to work for it to run for it, to pursue it, to grab it and to achieve it.

People live life for dreams as dreams are promo of the real life struggle! The goal can be seen crisp clear shinning in the mindsets but the real picture is far different. That’s what fuels in the emotions and the desperation to chase those dreams!

Dreams are never broken! It’s the attitude to chase them and the passion to grab them is broken and weaken. Dreams are expectations that one has in life, that one particular dream, where one sees himself in all possible ways he can, achieving success boundlessly, luxury unaccountably, richness undefined and finally peace of mind.

Dreams are the fuel for human minds, because when you slog whole day a dream can change your life. It is a clear hint from your sub-conscious mind ‘ that look its time for you to change your attitude now and let the dream be chased’.

Dreaming is an extra ordinary talent, a power miraculously when channelized and used systematically in the right hands of the right people can bring revolutionary changes in the lives of the millions of people in the world and not simply your own life!

Sam Walton saw a dream, Gandhiji saw a dream, Ambani’s saw a dream and the Tata’s saw a dream & I see a dream every day. That I will be successful as them or even more! That’s my dream!


Unknown said...

Its realy nice..n precise very provoking for every one to conquer there dreams.

Sarthak Dayama said...

Thanks for ur feedback Mariyam, such honest feedbacks motivate me to write more! enjoy reading.

Amruta Deshmukh said...

i like it... specially d way it is written lovely.... :) :P

Sarthak Dayama said...

Thanks Amruta...

anup said...

even i day dream. And it motivtes me. It gives me new way to achieve my goal.

dream on, dream on, dream on,
dream yourself a dream come true
dream on, dream on, dream on,
and dream until your dream comes true