Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is Life all about? A journey to discover yourself

I am back to my old rituals. I define life as a struggle to survive in the odds. More like a struggle for survival in a jungle. Life is to identify that one particular dream you have and work towards it. Dreams are the fuel for human minds they appeal to you in a way to keep you going on. Dreams ignite a fire within you, and make you chase those dreams. Dreams are the fuel for human minds as they ignite the fire within you and makes you chase those dreams.

Ever imagined a life without dreams? It’s like a rainbow without its seven colours. Life is a journey on a ship, as the ship sails on the waters of a sea. Trouble arises with as you sail in a storm knowing the fact that your ship can drown too. Life is similar to a ship, you are its captain and the wheel is in our hands. All you need to do is realise your role as a captain and reach to your destination that is your dream.

Life plays a gimmick with me always, I wonder sometimes when was the last time I went on a date and had a pleasure to join hands in hands with a beautiful girl. To fall in her eyes, look at her silky hair fall on the sides of her face. It was a wonderful journey some few years back. I must say those times were the golden days of my life.

Well coming back to Life. Life is a journey which takes you places makes you meet different species of people. Ever wondered what is that one thing that remains constant in our lives? That’s change – it’s only that one thing that is and will remain constant through out our lives.
How can you make this life a better place? Probably that’s one question each one of us has, and I believe we all struggle to find the answers all our life. Why do we require education? While the most of us believe that college life is one phase of your life where you decide what you want from life. According to me College days are the days where you get to press that RESET button in your life. No matter what you did in your past no matter what you intend to do in the future, college life is one phase in your life where you get to realise who you are and what you want in life? Is education all you want in life? Are friends what you are looking for? Or is it simply that you want to pursue some other stream. This is a golden phase in ones life. It’s a period where most of the people try to create an identity for each other. That’s where their uniqueness and attitude is formed for the life. College life is one phase which lays a foundation stone for the rest of your life.

Frankly speaking Life is not just a big deal just move on and with every step you take you will discover a new you. That’s why I say that life is nothing but self actualisation and in simple terms a journey to Rediscover yourself in your own eyes.