Saturday, November 6, 2010

Something is Happening

Something is happening!
There is silence all around me but in my heart I keep hearing your voice
The unique blend of harmony and melody is hitting my mind
Something is happening!

I don’t care about the world when you are with me
I feel special when you walk with me
There is a $ million smile on me these days I don’t know why but
Something is happening!

I shy away when you look at me
I blush when I talk about you to friends
I simply love talking about you and trust me I don’t know why but
Something is happening!

I don’t know what to tell the world
And I don’t have any explanations at all but
All I can say is that
Something is happening!

I keep looking at your pictures 24/7
Starring at the subtleness and softness in your eyes
There is something in you that’s making me crazy And I really don’t know why but
Something is happening!

The worst part is you are completely unaware
About my feelings and desires
Don’t know how to explain you that
Something is Happening!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Love is in the Air

See from my eyes and the world will look a beautiful place to you!!! Look at the sky, the flowing cool breeze at nights, when you sway yourself in the moving train and feel the breeze touch you, theres something about this air - if it brings a sense of joy on your face - you are surely in love! 

What does love means to you? Is it spending time with your loved ones? or is it simply the feeling of something good happening within you - a positive feeling that brings smile on your face no matter how difficult the situation is. Imagine this situation you meet your special someone today - and she or he just said something cool about you and you are flying in air - you board a train or just walking by the lane and someone bumps into you - whats your reaction - you don't scream or yell - you simply say its ok yaar! Hota hai!!! Just because you are in love... 

I feel this energy moving in me - its a like a synergy of motivation combined with a blend of positive perception where I see happiness all around me...and even if someone is sad I put in my efforts to ensure they feel happy about life...what else can you ask for if you can make someone smile by little or no efforts of yours! 

It feels great when you smile at someone - no matter who it is - whether you know them or you don't they will smile back at you... dont you feel great when someone smiles at you? Isnt smile an expression of love - imagine a day when everyone across smile at you!!! You can make it happen all you got to do is smile - the world will return it back to you... 

Walking down the street you see couples - holding their hands, expressing themselves.... the world looks beautiful with love all around us... you are lucky if you have someone to share those feelings with... if you dont have a partner dont feel disheartened - I am sure you have many close friends... your parents, your siblings, cousins, neighbors, relatives - the list is long... there are n number of people you can connect to if you are clean at heart and you know how to blend love and happiness to create the right mood to make those moments last long and special....

So this Diwali make the moments last much longer - feel special and spread some smiles across! I wish all my readers a very happy Diwali! 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

been away for a long time

Hello guys!

Greetings and warm regards to all of you! Its been quite a long time I dint updated my blog. Nevertheless I am back to share some interesting stories with you all... do watch for this space in the coming days have some interesting ideas in mind....

Till then keep in touch - you can reach me on the yahoo messenger on the blog!

