Wednesday, June 15, 2011


t was 31st December; the whole city of Mumbai was dipped in the mood of partying. Vikram, was one of the most outstanding employee at Mumbai’s leading BPO company. He had been at the senior most position than all his colleagues. Been in the industry for over 7 years he had made a good name and reputation for himself. By his looks he looked still young in the early 20’s but wicked in the mind he was way ahead. He was famous for his weekend parties, night out with officemates and link ups with top notch struggling models at his apartment.  He had even got featured in the Bindass Emotional Atyachar and was caught cheating on several girls two timing them. But even that dint stop him, he still managed to get away with things with his mischievous smile most of the times. Girls somehow adored this attitude of this guy; the stories of Vikram hitting on his female bosses during his early days in the industry are still famous. Vicky; as most of the girls called him, some even call him ‘Wicked’ since his love hardly stays stable more than a week with any of the girls. 

Vicky was dressed for the occasion in sleek black suit with vertical strips of silver, it made him look no less than a Richie Rich of the town and with the confidence and persistence he walked he definitely made the heads turn around. He liked living a hi fly lifestyle which anyone could make out with the latest i-phone 4 which was yet to be launched in Indian markets, expensive watch, Italian leather shoes and finally a black Honda Civic – only close friends knew he got this car at cheap dirt price. Gossipers also say the car he drives is stolen.  But Vikram knew how to bullshit everyone and move on in life. He got this attitude during his early days when he landed in Mumbai as a struggling model but had a hard time looking for a place. He moved in with few people working in a call centre those days – that’s where his journey started with the term BPO. Who knew the small town dude can be the Tom Cruise in the cities of dream Mumbai. Though he lost the aspiration to be a model he still feels himself no less than a big time model. 

It was 31st December; Vicky had a lot of invites from friends and colleagues to hit many party destinations in and around the town. He even got invited at a rave party organized on the outskirts of the city. But Vicky had a strange idea in his mind – he wanted to try out his hands in the one of the parties to see if he still had the charm of hitting on a stranger and making the night more memorable. So he decided to visit the most happening lounge in the town that night. DJ Akbar - his close friend who played at Enigma which was in the lobby of a famous five star hotel got him a stag entry with discounted cover price, in that suit he looked ravishing and completely an odd in the crowd. He headed straight towards the bar counter and asked for a long inland iced tea to get in the mood. Standing there he checked out the crowd. In the corner of the lounge he saw this girl wearing a red colored one piece sparkling with the lights which indeed caught his eyes. He looked at her – she wasn’t looking at him then. Her hair was silky all the way covering her bare shoulders. There was something in her that made him smitten away by her. He signaled the barmen to send glass of wine for the lady on the table. He took a tissue paper from the bar, took out his shining Mont Blanc pen and wrote ‘A glass of wine for the most beautiful lady in the club’. The barmen headed straight to the table and handed over the note with the drink and signaled towards him he just raised his glass with a cheers sign and gave his most magical smile. She took a tissue and scribbled something and sent it over back to him. He just relaxed on the bar stool and opened the note it read – ‘wine tastes no good if sipped alone’. He then looked at her she gave him a smile which was a go ahead he was looking for. He smartly got up from the stool took his glass in hand and walked towards the table. The table was away from the crowd and was in the corner of the lounge with very low light around.

He finally sat next to her and took a close look at her; the one piece was more like a tube top which also suggested that she wasn’t wearing any bra underneath. Her skin was glowing and she had amazing silky body. He extended his hands to her and said “Hi! I am Vikram, you can call me Vicky!” she held his hands firm, her hands were soft and cold too. She introduced herself “Hey! I am Maya.” Maya then rested her back on the cushion of the seat and sipped the wine looking straight in his eyes and asked “So Vicky what do you? Are you in the show biz business? “No Maya, I am Senior Manager of BPO Company here in Mumbai and to certain extent affiliated with the show biz industry” reverted Vicky with that magical smile on his face. “Oh is it, wow that’s amazing, so you think I have a good voice to work in a call centre?” Vicky pretended as if its hard to hear what Maya had been talking about so he pushed himself a little further near her face and asked her to repeat what she said. “I said, Mr Manager Do you think I have a good voice to work in a call centre?” But Vicky’s  mind was racing in some other thoughts, when he went so close to her – the fragrance of her perfume which she might have sprayed all over her neck was highly intoxicating for him besides the sneak peek of her cleavage from that distance was doing a different magic on him. “Hmm not bad, I am not carrying my card, but I’ll give you my number call me one day and I’ll take your interview myself” he said with a grin. The temperature was rising between the two as she had not moved a bit when he came and sat so close to her neither did Vicky. The two were getting a little cozy when Vicky swirled his fingers on her sexy legs going all the way up till her thighs, “by the way what do you do for living Maya?”She gave out a big hot breath almost hitting his neck with the hot air and brought her hands under the table going all over his thighs and suddenly fixed her hands over his crouch and said “I deal with Human Organs” “oh so you are a doctor? Asked Vicky holding her hands and kissing them “I love doctors”. “You will get to know about it soon, this place has too loud music and lots of people how about we head to my hotel room which is just 5 kms away from here to spend the rest of the night? “

Jackpot!!! Thought Vicky he had been wondering where he would take the girl all this while as his roommates were planning to have a booze party. They both straight away left the place holding each other’s hands, in the parking area he escorted Maya to his car, “Wow, nice car!” she exclaimed. Vicky just leaned over her in the car and swirled his fingers in her silky hair placing his face near her neck and smelled the fragrance of the perfume once again and said “the best part about this car are the tinted glasses”. Without wasting anytime further they both a long lip locking session. Gaining the consciousness Maya said “Lets head straight to my hotel in Juhu, we will have the rest of the action there!”

Vicky never looked this hurried for sex in his life may be the spirits and fragrance of this sexy female was intoxicating his mind. They got down from the car handed over the keys to the valet and headed straight to her room. As soon as they got in the room, he held her in his arms and adored her and his luck tonight. She made him sit on the couch and played the number Naughty by Beyonce on her cellphone – and began teasing him by making some irresistible moves. She poured in a drink for him from a bottle which had no label. He just gulped in the drink eyeing her sexy moves. She made another drink and offered him one more glass while giving him an amazing lap dance. Just then the door bell rang, Vicky felt disappointed but she asked to chill she opened the door and it was her friends Nafisa and Sophie who were too on the city tour with her. The trio decided to get a little kinky with Vicky – this time Nafisa and Sophie too poured in a glass for Vicky and decided to strip for him. Tonight is my luckiest night! thought Vicky.

The evening passed by and Vicky found himself in the bath tub the next morning when he got back to his senses. There was something very strange about last night he thought, he tried to move but was unable to move a bit as a stiffening pain hit him on the back towards his left side.  The tub was entirely filled with Ice Cubes. He took a close look at the bathroom – the mirror had a number mentioned with lipstick with SOS written below it. A tissue note was placed next to the tub with his cell phone. He picked up the cell phone  and called the number – a lady picked up the call and said “hello sir, how can I help you”  - “Hi, My name is Vikram and I found myself in a bathtub with lots of ice cubes inside it and I have this terrible pain in my back towards my left, this number was written on the mirror so I decided to call you” “ Sir” said the female on the other end with a pain in her voice” stay still, I am sorry to tell you that the three girls you had spent your night are part of a racket, they have stolen your kidney I advise you to stay still and sit in the tub we will send an ambulance immediately”. Vicky got shocked when he heard this – he picked up the tissue note next to the tub it was a message from Maya “Happy New year sweetheart - Dint I told you I deal with Human Organs”

Monday, June 13, 2011


Blessed are those who don’t see a mistake as a mistake! However, it is hard not to see your own mistake. Outwardly you may justify yourself or prove your innocence to someone else, but a mistake pricks your conscience. Do not justify yourself. Instead, feel the prick of the mistake. That very pinch will take you out of the mistake.

While pointing out a mistake to someone, do you consider him as separate from you and go on pointing out his error or do you make him feel a part of you? When you point out a mistake to someone, does it make him more stressed, or does it create or awareness in that person?  Often you do not point out someone’s mistake when it is required. Pointing out a mistake without due consideration to time and place is also a mistake.

When you keep doing the same mistake over and over, it a BIG mistake. A mistake simply means you have missed taking a lesson that has come your way. Do no lament over your mistake. Just take the lesson from it. You will not be judged by your mistakes, but by your virtues.

Wise is the one who learns from other’s mistakes. Less wise is the one who learns from one’s own mistakes. The fool keeps making the same mistakes again and again and never learns from them.
Mistakes happen all the time. Often you get irritated by mistakes and you want to correct them, but how many can you correct? You correct others’ mistakes for two reasons. The first is when you correct someone for their own sake, so that they can grow, and not because it bothers you. Correcting mistakes for the first reason – when the mistake bothers you – does not work.

To correct mistakes, you need both authority and love. Authority and love seem to be contradictory but in reality they are not. Authority without love is stifling and does not work, while love without authority is shallow. You need both but they need to be in the right combination so that you can be successful in correcting others mistakes. This can happen only if you are totally dispassionate and centered.

Do not tell a person about a mistake that he already knows he has made. What is the use of pointing out a mistake that he knows he has committed? By doing this, you will only make the person feel more guilty, defensive or resentful and this only creates more distance.

Before pointing out a person’s mistake, see whether your comments will help to improve the situation, foster love, or bring harmony. A magnanimous person does not point out the mistakes of others and make them feel guilty. Instead, they correct others’ mistakes with compassion and care, not through words but through their attitude.

Often, in establishing your righteousness, you are insensitive to the feelings of others. When someone is hurt, arguing with them and establishing your righteousness will be in vain. By simply saying ‘sorry’ you can uplift the other person and take away the bitterness. In many situations saying ‘sorry’ is better than establishing righteousness. It can’t avert much unpleasantness.

‘Sorry’ is a word of five letters, that when said sincerely, can remove anger, guilt, hatred and distance. Many people feel pride in hearing ‘sorry’ from others. It boosts their ego. But when you say ‘sorry’ to a wise man, it evokes compassion. A mistake is part of an unconscious mind. An unconscious mind cannot do right while a conscious mind can do no wrong.