Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wrong Number

Many of us keep wondering on new ways on how to hit on girls – bridging the gap from absolute strangers to friendship and then moving in to become that special someone and then moving away from then again! This is a story of a guy called Shekar Singh, a 23 year old Rajpoot from a small town in Kuchaman from Nagor District in Rajasthan. Shekar, though from a small town is a pure Rajpoot – smart, intelligent, wicked and in Rajasthani style complete Dabang Admi! He came to Mumbai after graduating in BCOM from Symbiosis from the place which that is called the Oxford of East – Pune about two years ago.  In his hostel life away from home he did a lot of chamdigiri though many of his friends thought he was a tharki but he proved them wrong with his elite style of dating some real hot symbi chics.

It was mid July when he met some old friends in Mumbai’s pub on a Friday evening, remembering old times which they used to hang-out at a pub in Pune’s MG Road called Toons. Today they all decided to booze and get talli just like the old days! In the pub his friend Navin cooked up the idea of playing truth and dare. Navin who finally completed his CS (does not means Counter Strike! It means Company Secretary!) is now working full time with a high profile firm in Mumbai though he doesn’t gets to meet Shekar that often as Shekar too is busy with his KPO work after moving down from Pune’s Magarpatta Infotech Park.

The idea of Truth and Dare is welcomed by Girish and Ajay too; the duo had a love-hate relationship with Shekar as they always envied him for stealing the hottest looking girl under their sleeves for bike rides. They both now were working with a PR Agency and Events company.  As the beer started pouring in their mugs, kababs and sizzlers were orderd and in few minutes the pitchers started getting empty – they all seemed getting into the right mood of the perfect reunion! As the empty bottle of a pint revolved the table and pointed at Shekar – Ajay declared “no one is asking this bastard any questions because we all know he will never tell the truth; instead let me give this Playboy a real dare – a dare he will never be able to achieve.”

“Acha Bidu – yeh baat hai – toh lagi shart” said Shekar rolling up his sleeves showing his eagerness to turn the dare into a bet. “So here it is” – Ajay popped out his cell phone and selected few random names of girls – “This is Sheena – her number is 96192****, if you get her to meet you in person I will bow down to you” said Ajay in one go then going for the bottoms up instantly.

“Hmmm – any details you wanna give me about this chic – I hope she looks hot besides she has the heart like you – wicked! You know I like theeki mirchis!” saying this Shekar gulped the entire mug of beer and waved the waiter to repeat the order. “ Chote now tell me something- just bowing down to me wont help – this isn’t a dare which can be fulfilled here in the pub itself this thing will take atleast 2 days lets meet on Sunday here itself and I’ll get the chic and you pay the bill – ab bol lagata hai shart?

Ajay got a mixed feeling inside him one point of time he was confident but now something in him was telling him this is going little far off – because deep down he knew the real playboy of Shekar was still alive and he still had the instinct in him to get girls! But the beer kicked in and he stood up and said “Navin and Girish are witness to this epic in making bet if you lose then you the looser will have to pay for the all expense trip to Pune next weekend which includes booze, babes and hotel stay!”

Done” said Shekar “Now tell me more about this chic will you or you want me to find it out myself.” Saying this Shekar winked at the other two sitting stunned out there wondering where is this game heading to. “Sheena is a marketing executive of an Airlines Company – she is smart, sexy I mean real sexy – she looks dam hot in those trousers and blazer – she stays around Carter Road real uptown girl and very hard to get to. She has the perfect body and Attitude which is very annoying! So what do you think – can you handle it?”

“Looks like he forgot the good old Symbi daysSaid Shekar waving the waiter for the last order. In the mean time Navin and Girish got caught up in a conversation while Ajay eyed his drink – a sign of his that he is Talli now! Shekar saw the time in his watch it was 1.45 am he popped his cell phone out and created a new message and started typing “Hey Aditya – I have reached Mumbai International Airport, come down to pick me up I am waiting for you regards Shekar” and sent it Sheena.

By the time they paid the bill chipping in their contribution – Shekar sent one more message to her “Dude please come fast I am waiting here in the waiting lounge – dam tired come soon!” he dint got any reply that night. This is gona be a little tough he thought to himself – Next day being a Saturday he woke up and called up Sheena “Abe Sale kidar that tu raat bhar I am still here at the airport waiting for you??” he said without even letting her speak “Excuse me” came the voice from the other end “Hi could you please hand over the phone to Adi – this is Shekar here” said Shekar lighting his cigarette and smiling candidly to himself “Who Shekar? This is Sheena Here - I am sorry I guess you have dialled a wrong number!”  Came the voice which seemed she said this with a straight face. “Hello! Miss if you knew this is a wrong number – I am sure you could replied last night itself to the messages I had sent on this number – atleast I could have moved out from this filthy place to a better place!” said Shekar with a rather stern voice showing some discomfort. “Look Shekar honestly speaking I guess there has been some misunderstanding with your number – I know the place is very disgusting to stay overnight but honestly I don’t give a damn to any random sms or calls from strangers!” “I guess this is how life welcomes one in Mumbai! Thanks a lot Sheena” “Hello – Listen I said Sorry to you – there’s nothing more that I can do!” Shekar was happy to see that the conversation was growing in the right direction. “Its okay Sheena I appreciate your apology but I guess I will have to move out from here now and think where I should head – thanks for taking the call atleast!”No Problem – and hey Shekar you can try some hotel around, there are plenty out there” “Thanks dear! Have a good day!”

Wow! This went much better than expected – she isn’t that bad after all may be she behaved with Ajay different because of his Tharki eyes! Shekar spent the rest of the day at his place doing the usual chores – hanging out with friends later in the evening. He convinced one of his friends Ravi to call up Aditya (Sheena) and inform him oops her to come for a party on Sunday. So Ravi calls her up from his cellphone “Hi Adi – this is Harsh here” “Hello this isn’t Aditya’s number whos dis?”Oh Sorry – hi this is Harsh – could you please inform Adi that its Shekar’s Birthday tomorrow and he is in town after 5 long years and there’s a party at Fire & Ice”  said Harsh smiling at Shekar giving a thumbs up sign. “I guess you have dialled a wrong number this is Sheena here” “Oh, I am sorry actually I was just calling up all the people in his friends list on his cell phone, sorry to bother you mam.”

“So buddy do you think this will work?” asked Ravi looking up at Shekar “I don’t know man! I have heard she looks smoking hot and somewhere I have a gut feel she will come.” In the evening he went the usual Saturday night clubbing with Harsh. The next day around 11 am he called up Sheena “Hi Sheena – Shekar here I am very sorry to bother you at this point of the time!” “Hey what’s wrong with you dude? Why you and your friends are calling me again and again!” she had a little disgust in her voice but somewhere even she seemed to have got smitten away by the manly voice of Shekar. “Look Sheena I am very sorry for all the trouble caused to you – actually I was not aware what my friends were upto I just got the news from Harsh right now so I thought I better apologise to you and don’t worry I will delete your number right away to avoid any confusions here after” said Shekar with innocence in his voice. “That’s okay I can understand Harsh sounded bit too excited yesterday anyways wish you a very happy birthday” said Sheena not at all sounding like a stranger but more like an old time buddy. “So Sheena I know this might sound strange to you – but I guess this is the only way I can make up to you it’s your choice – I would like to invite you for the party at Fire & Ice today at 7 pm you may get along your friends too” said Shekar with his fingers crossed.

Hmm well even though I don’t have any plans tonight but the idea of meeting a complete stranger is a bit strange don’t you think Shekar?” She sounded as if she is really interested in flirting – wow this is cool said shekar to himself! “Well honestly speaking – I am actually delighted to have this conversation with you right now – who knew that the night I would land up in Mumbai and call up a wrong number and getting birthday wishes from the same female on my birthday – don’t you think you could make this birthday party of mine more memorable by coming tonight!” Shekar was now confident that she’s in!

“Okay Shekar! Before I tell you my answer do me a favour will you?” asked Sheena. “What?” asked Shekar puzzled. “No need to delete my number instead save it as Sheena Kapoor and I will see you at 7 pm with couple of my friends!” she too seemed excited. “And remember Shekar this isn’t a blind date it’s just a party your birthday party!” they both laughed. “Sure dear see you then” Shekar smiled historically at his wicked mind and patting himself.

Oye motu! Be there today at Fire & Ice and don’t forget to get me a birthday cake it’s after all my birthday today!” Shekar said to Ajay. “Your Birthday! What are you talking about?”
“Boss she is coming tonight with some of her friends – bhul gaya bet?” you better show up today else I will cut off your balls! After ab jake laga hai right number not a Wrong Number!”