Thursday, October 3, 2013

What's wrong with Dr. Manmohan Singh - The Prime Minister of India???

For the past many years, Indians have wondered why Manmohan Singh does not speak up despite being the recipient of several disdainful words such as spineless, toothless and weak. He sits in Parliament with no expression on his face. It appears that even if you just replace him with his wax statue, no parliamentarian will notice the difference. Besides, he never makes an impromptu statement despite being a scholar; he just reads out prepared and calibrated speeches. Shameful, utterly disgraceful. So, why does Manmohan Singh not talk? And why does he take so much crap from his detractors. Why does the prime minister always behave as if he were born without a spine? Let’s look at Manmohan Singh’s handwriting, which might give us some insight into his personality.

Handwriting and signature size: In March 2011, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited the Embassy of Japan ( in New Delhi to sign the book of condolence for Japan earthquake victims. Notice the equal size of his handwriting and signature. Both of them are small. This size of handwriting and signature is not for leaders. People with such small handwriting can never lead people. They are so lost in themselves that they cannot think about reaching out to others or bother about finding ways to connect with the people. Clearly, this kind of handwriting makes him a good professor, not a worthy statesman.

In handwriting analysis, consistent disconnection between letters is indicative of lack of spontaneity, among other things. In Manmohan Singh’s case, the trait is seen in his inability to make impromptu statements and speak his mind.

Manmohan Singh’s handwriting shows that he will continue to be a failure as a head of the state. There is nothing in his personality that could even remotely suggest that he is suitable to occupy a post that intrinsically requires the occupant to be in touch with the people. That is why despite having got such a high position on a platter, Manmohan Singh has not been able to adapt his personality to the requirements of the new role. Not even in 9 years! And the bad news is: he can never do that. Therefore, quit, Mr Singh. By abdicating, you might do the country good.

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