Sunday, June 24, 2018

Miss being an author

I don't even remember the last time I logged on to this blog site. In this era of the internet; we often visit many sites, register ourselves and then later abandon them like those old toys we once played with in childhood and later found something more interesting to dwell upon. And one day you find that old toy lying in some trunk in the corner of your house; looking at the toy the memories do flashback but you are too old to play with it now.

Something similar happened today; being a Saturday I decided to take a little break and work from home instead of being in the office whole day. Thus in the second half of the day, I drove back home had my bite of lunch a little late than usual. After spending a good few hours on the excel sheets and crunching the numbers my saturation point had reached. While browsing for some good choiec of music I went to search for internet radio sites. I still remember those good old days; back when I was in College when Yahoo Messenger used to be cool and Launchcast Radio was buzzing. Those memories bring back what fails to do even today. So I selected some random station and out of nowhere, I landed on this blog site that I once used to be glued to wondering what next to write. I was amazed to see my draft section with over 29 unpublished stories all dating back to 2012-14. After previewing a few I realized that there was something in me back then that inspired me to write. Most of the stories stuck at a point where it seems there was a dead road ahead.

When I ask myself, why did I stop writing, I have absolutely no idea what inspired me in the first place. I really miss being an author of amazing stories, poems, songs that I used to write. There was a time when I used to express myself so well with words. It was like I could express everything I had in my mind in beautiful words, however, I am still hoping to break the ice; after so many years of dead writing.

I don't even care if anyone reads this or not nor will I even share the link like I used to do in earlier days promoting my stories and sharing the links with friends and family. I really wish to share inspiring stories, motivational stories, just a general day to day affairs, and more importantly my thoughts.

Hoping to come back soon with something new may be a poetry or a song! Song reminds me my guitar's E string broke some 3-4 years ago and forget changing it; I don't even recollect where have I dumped the guitar! All I can remember is that it may be in the loft of one of my offices.

There is so much to repair, more importantly getting back to my life from this corporate zombie! I need to chillax like old days! At least I felt alive back then!