Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love, Attitude and Happiness lead to Self Awareness

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement. As per your votes on Facebook Questions - here is a story based on your highest votes for Non fiction Life Lessons, since the second highest votes were for a Romantic Story I thought blending some emotions of Love would help in not disappointing those of you who voted for it. This small story will do an interaction with your sub consciousness mind, as you read it answer the questions to yourself which I have addressed to you.

When there is Love, all the attitude changes. There is a big difference in attitude, have you noticed this? Suppose you have a very nice crockery set in your home and if your son or daughter or sibling, somebody very dear to you breaks it, what do you say? 'Oh, never mind, doesn't matter'. But if your servant breaks or somebody whom you dislike breaks it; See, how your attitude varies towards the same thing that has happened. Or your nice new carpet, somebody has spilt tea in it. So if you have done it or somebody very dear has done it, you say ' Oh, it doesn't matter. Ok, anyway happened'. You murmur a little, grumble a little and then stop. But if somebody else has done it your whole attitude towards them is different, isn't it? So when there is love, you are ready to undergo or undertake any strain or discomfort or problem, they don't appear to be very big. Then, tolerance comes in you naturally. If you are determined, your love for something, makes you do anything for what you want.

If you love sight seeing, then you don't mind any discomfort, you go around sight seeing anywhere. If you love adventure, you go for it. Same way, if you love money very much, then you put your whole life earning money. You get ulcers, blood pressure, diabetes and getting all that, in spite of it, you work, work, work and work. What for? Just to have Money!!!

But happiness is something that which expands. Whatever is constricting is not happiness. When you are happy, have you noticed how you feel? the mind expands. Examples of which I have quoted in my previous post love is in the air. At the same time when you are unhappy, what happens? The mind shrinks. So whenever you think "Mine, Mine" - the mind is shrinking. 'My son. my daughter, my boyfriend, my girlfriend, my car, my bike, my room, my laptop, my this my that! - the mind shrinks. Whenever mind shrinks, it is bound to bring unhappiness. And when mind expands it brings joy!

When you go beyond happiness, what happens? The mind expands at the same time is not unconscious. Usually, when you are happy, you become spaced out, you are not focused. When you are unhappy, you are very focused. But there is a beautiful combination of both - you are happy, at the same time alert and focused, that is called Self Awareness. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Walk We Had

The glimpse my eyes caught of you,
That evening was certainly special.
The moon was charming in full size,
The clouds were stirring up the sky.

Your fragrance spiced up the night
The moon shined up throwing its light
And I followed your shadow
Together we kept walking for times

The zapping cars made the night so special
Every time a car passed by you
The hairs curled up your face
Making it irresistible for me to take my eyes off you

That stretch we walked near the lake
is still afresh in my mind
who knew that  small walk of ours
would bring the hearts this closer

There seemed to be a magic in the air
when you held my hands in your hands
Seemed like the cupid hit my heart
As I saw you blushing all the time

As the sun dips down in the ocean
I wait for the moon to shine up the skies
Whenever I look up the sky
I can remember our walk
And your face lights up in front of me....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The secret of walking on water

Life is an amazing gimmick!

Each one of us would agree that in our Journey of Life we grow with times, the sense of maturity comes with handful of experiences which we remember all our life. You might not remember your first steps you took in your childhood but ask your parents they will tell every little detail of the epic.You might not remember the first time you said Pa or Ma but ask your elders they will tell you since for them these are the memories that life has bestowed upon them. 

What you might remember is how you dived first time in the swimming pool and how scared were you before taking the first step. You might remember peddling your cycle around and falling off. With age we all learn from our mistakes. Mistakes are bound to happen else life would not have been so dramatic. If mistakes were not a part of our lives we would have been just Machines! Mistakes bring the sense of humanity in us. 

In life we come across different kinds of people. Time tells us who will stay with us and who will choose to exit from our lives. People come and go, they all come for a reason. One lesson that life teaches us for sure is to Never Expect - building expectations leads to unhappiness. In our existence in this world we tend to attach a lot of emotions and expectations from everyone and when it does not meets our expectations we feel sad and disheartened. 

Like the product life cycle also has a decline stage - so do we - sometimes feeling low is that stage in our life which leads to depression - loss of interest in activities which seemed fun and interesting sometime back. Like in Corporate we do re-positioning to the product to keep the cycle running in our lives too we have to re-introduce the sense of belonging. Taking life lightly as it comes, ignoring the problems and being solution -oriented to reinforce the spirit of life. 

We come across various difficult times in life when we get clueless about how, why, what to do ? These are the gimmicks of life. All you got to do is Plan for the best and Prepare for the worst - that's the secret of Walking on water - the Journey of our life is like a river flowing - just floating with flow.

So the secret of walking on water is to know where the stones are hidden.