Friday, March 23, 2007

Silence of Eternity

When the Heart wishes to speak

And the silence of your eyes grabs me,

The cold fear within me rises,

Just dont wanna loose you...

I keep Numb and the silence exists

Can't reflect myself in your eyes

I break the silence with a whisper

I love you is all i say

I wait for your turn,Looking deep in your eyes
The heart pumps up and down as each second rises
Your silence irriates me, can't understand why you are doing this?
You seem, fading away from me, cant understand why
it happens???


nevin said...

hey u da best iz wt i want to comment..!!

Lynette said...

wow sarthak... really deep man... do u write this stuff all by urself?? whatever it is, i admire people with well done blogs... and urs is just awesome.. kudos to u man!!!

Yashu said...

good thoughts!

harsh said...

u hav made me speechless

but really gr8 work

let it be working !!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Eternity is wat's special...great wordz