Thursday, September 26, 2013

She's a Weirdo - Part 7

"Sid!!! What the hell are you doing here outside my building? And what the hell is this guy doing here??? Don't you guys have any manners???" Asked Roxane in disgust. "Take it easy Ms Einstein, and please come over here I want to talk to you in private." said Sid and signalled Roxane to move little away from Lijjo. In the mean time Lijjo had finished his long pee session and walked a safe distance away from his water bank he had created near the tree. "What! Tell me fast" said Roxane. "Look he is my roommate Lijjo, and he went through a terrible break up  lately with his girl friend back in the States." explained Sid to Roxane in the mean time trying to take away the stick from her hand but she resisted. "You smell of alcohol, are you both drunk?" She asked. "Well, I won't deny that, yes we are drunk, but I am very much in my senses, look the poor guy!" said Sid looking at Lijjo as Roxane too looked at him with her eye brows raised; while Lijjo unaware of what's cooking up between the two looked terrified as he could still see the stick in her hands. "He was so terrified and broken with the news that he took me along with him to the bar nearby, else you tell me who would want to drink in the afternoon!" continued Sid. "I just wanted to give him company, I can't risk his safety as even he is new to India. So I too had few drinks." said Sid and exhaled. "Hope you are not a stalker of all the buildings you just got my building to come sit here and pee right here! Who gave him to the right to pee on the roads?" enquired Roxane. "Well firstly Ms. Einstein I had absolutely no clue where you stay and I have no interest in following you. I agree my friend shouldn't have done something of this sort but it's his first time and you have already scared the hell out of him with this stick you been carrying around and calling him a PIG" saying so Sid sntached the stick from her hand. "Give this to me, it doesn't suits in your hand" and walked towards the watchman and gave it to him. "Yeh lo bhaiya, aur isko madam se dur rakhna" and winked at the watchman. "So what suits in my hand?" asked Roxane. "Test tubes, ms Bio tech" said Sid and winked at her. "Whatever, I hope you were not stalking me" she confirmed again. "Look Roxane, I don't understand why don't get the point! If you feel I am not worth your friendship don't meet me again" saying so Sid walked over to Lijjo without even turning back to look at Roxane. 

"Bro, you knew that girl?" enquired Lijjo as Sid approached him. "Yeah, I just met her a couple of days ago in Library, another Bio-tech chic" said Sid and ran his hands over his pockets. "Lets head over to Anna and have some tea." said Sid as they headed back to college. "But yaar, how dare she called me a PIG! And was she really gona hit me with the stick? Man Sid, you are a savior that bitch was really a psycho!" saying that Lijjo started walking really fast. "Tu thik toh hai na? Tera nasha pura utar gaya lagta hai?" asked Sid smilingly. "Balls to her man, spoilt my complete winning mood!" Said Lijjo lighting up his ciggi and handing over one to Sid. "But what did you told her? And what were you guys discussing?" enquired Lijjo still puzzled how Sid saved him from that terrible scenario. "Bhai, a true magician never reveals his secrets! I got you saved that's more important" said Sid sipping his tea. "Woha! Matlab you gave her some gyaan, you asshole must have for sure made me look a complete c**tiya and yourself a hero!" said Lijjo exhaling his smoke. "Well not exactly, I just told her that you are heart broken so that you could win some sympathy votes from other bio tech girls" said Sid taking a puff. "Asshole, you are one! So who's going to be your date for the freshers party?" asked Lijjo. "Not sure man, will have to do some hunting pretty soon" said Sid. 

And they both went back to their rooms luckily Pratik Bhai wasn't in the room. Vinit was as usual tuning his guitar. He was in a romantic mood tonight, so was just playing the famous tune of the song Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua again and again. While Lijjo settled on the bed and felt fast asleep. Sid sat over his bed looking out from the window and lit up another cigg, as the song played in the background his thoughts wandered in the lanes back to Roxane's building and he could see her furious face in front of his open eyes. However rather then just getting upset with the entire drama he created he was still certain may be she's the right girl for me. Not sure how their next encounter will unfold he was lost in her eyes and those 3 hair in front of her face that he witnessed the time he met her in the canteen. There's something about her, is it the alcohol, the guitar or just me that's making me feel this way wondered Sid and smiled candidly. "Bhai, kaun he woh? Jiske khayalon mein kho gaya tu?" Asked Vinit. "Koi nahi yaar, kuch aur suna, kya romantic gaane baja raha hai" said Sid. 

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